Give your employees access to a percentage of their pay as they earn it, so they can budget better and cover emergency expenses.
33% of withdrawals are to cover bills and 21% are to buy groceries
88% decrease in reliance on loans and 39% decrease in reliance on credit cards
12 months after making their first withdrawal, people make fewer transfers a month
“I like it because it’s my money that I’ve earned and I don’t pay interest on it.
It feels more like I’ve earned it – and I’m living within my means.”
“It allows me to stay on top of my finances, which helps me keep my days
running smoothly. I have full control over when I can spend my earnings.”
Withdrawal limits are set to prevent overspending and help employees stay within budget.
Earnings can be withdrawn whenever they’re needed and should hit bank accounts instantly.
Each withdrawal is able to be categorised so that employees can keep track of what they’re using Flexible pay for.
Depending on the arrangement with an employer, a flat fee of $2.49 may be charged when a withdrawal takes place so there’s no ongoing interest snowballing over time.
Withdrawals are automatically deducted from pay like other deductions such as student loans.
We're the mission-led responsible experts in financial wellbeing, providing award-winning innovative solutions to solve the number one employee concern — financial stress. We can have a financial wellbeing program up and running in your business in 4 weeks.